Manly men doing manly things in a manly fashion.
Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
What Women Want In A Man...
by Englishman inaccording to her ladyship's group of pals, what today's woman wants in a man, is the ability to fix things!.
so many chaps are totally inept when it comes to climbing ladders, wielding a screwdriver or wiping a joint, that wives are getting a little pe'ed off with men who just want to show their feminine side.
todays woman wants her man to be a do-er, a fixer, a man who creates, a man who can and does!
by minimus inin view of the fact that bill bowen and others who have supported the silentlambs agenda have been disfellowshipped, do you think this means the end of their effectiveness?
comments on the board suggest that now, jw's won't come forward to bill because witnesses won't want to talk to a disfellowshipped person.
and some have said that this was the reason why they were fighting their disfellowshipping.
Big Tex
Maybe in a former life my name was Thomas. I'd like to believe that such a condition among the rank and file is possible, but I am dubious at best. But even so, I am even more doubting that any change is possible. No correct that. Change will happen, but it will become more harsh, more demanding and more abusive.
Perhaps I should just change my name to Eyore.
Organization Pulled inTwo Directions
by metatron inconsistent with the factions working behind the scenes, the.
organization is being pulled in two directions:.
first, to survive, they must get dumber and crazier.
Big Tex
Interesting you mention the old Soviet Union. There has been a several shows on the History Channel about various failed projects under Communist rule and it occured to me similarities the Witnesses have to the Soviets. The idea that one must wait on the Watchtower (Pravda) to tell people what to belief, or think or even have an opinion on. Any disagreement is forbidden and outright protest results in exilt or even death (disfellowshipping). Any and all media tell the people how wonderful their lives are and how wonderful their country (organisation) is, despite world opinion. Finally, the belief that theirs is the superior way and the entire world are idiots sure to be destroyed because of corruption, when in fact it is their own way that is faulty and corrupt.
I do not see an organisation pulled in two directions. I see a Stalinist group of control freaks who are determined to get "guileless ones" in order come hell or highwater. I'm afraid they will continue to stumble along just like they did after the last big scandal in 1979.
even if the "new system" never comes
by ConnieLynn inlast night i called to do the "check-in" thing on my mom.
she had just been to the assembly and she was all fired up and decided to give me an earful.
apparently, at the assembly all in attendance were told that "this is it" the end is nigh and they should do all they can to prepare for the impending destruction about to befall everyone.
Big Tex
None so blind . . . .
Do you still read societys literature?
by haujobbz in.
i still got my insight books,bible,song book,revelation book,isiahia book,some tracts,awakes @watchtowers.
i did throw a lot of my magz away but still got these,what shall i do keep them,sell them to second hand book store,give to charity shop,or read them all again and brainwash myself with jw ideology.
Big Tex
I'd rather have my teeth drilled.
by minimus ineverybody has their own timetable when it comes to leaving the organization.
some due to family and friends continue indefinetly.
others, when they see all the lies of the "truth", leave right away.
Big Tex
I started studying in 1971. And for 17 years I honestly and truly believed in my heart I was in "the truth". But then, one day I decided to confront my JW parents over my incestous childhood and from there it got ugly. What happened to others, happened to me. I lost my family, all my friends, people I had known for 15 or more years. It wasn't a question that they didn't believe me. Rather, they were cold and angry and I was told more than once, "What do want me to do?" Many people told me I was "bringing reproach on Jehovah's name", and for years afterward (even after I stopped going to meetings) I believed it was my fault and that I was just a bad person. The elders naturally blamed me and one even told me that "Jehovah is far too busy to worry about your petty little problem." The circuit overseer sat in my living room and told me that if I said another word about my father, he would see to it personally that I was disfellowshipped. When I went to meetings I felt bad, physically, emotionally and spiritally. When I stayed away, I felt better. I continued going despite being blackballed but it became more and more difficult. Finally, after about a year and a half of this I quit going altogether. That was 1989.
A few months ago that I came across the Silent Lambs website. I felt so decadent and borderline apostate for reading it, but at the same I was astounded that there were so many people whose experiences echoed mine. Many more were worse. Finally one day I read one posting and it touched me deeply. I still get goosebumps when I think about it. The posting was from a woman whom I knew back in my old congregation (White Rock) when she was little. I knew at that moment, I had to respond to Jesika Thoman's message. I didn't know if she would remmeber me, but I just had to try to say something. After I typed out a short message, I hesitated before hitting enter because I felt if I did this, there would be no going back. Not because I would be DF'd or anything like that, but because I was finally making a choice.
I never thought I would leave. Sometimes I miss what I had growing up. The "truth" offered me comfort and safety from a home that was mean and chaotic. It offered me simple solutions to complex problems and, for a while, it helped me. I think if it was not there, I would have probably committed suicide. So for that, I am grateful to them. But when I got away from my abusive parents, the "truth" stopped working for me and began to work against me. It was primarily responsible for a nervous breakdown and years of depression. I used to think that if I just did everything right, then it would be the way it used to be and I would feel the way I used to feel when I was at the meetings or out in service. Maybe that's how some women feel about the men who beat them. Looking back, I guess I'm pretty stupid for sticking with it for so long. But I'm out now.
"Hey you bastards! I'm still here." -- Steve McQueen, "Papillon"
Where To Start.....
by Lin ini'm new to posting here, although i've been reading posts on this site for some time now.
i post often on silentlambs, but only now feel the desire to ask for some suggestions.
here's my situation: i was raised a jw, and i'm now 42. i left the org in '95 and was also df'd, no big deal.
Big Tex
Howdy Lin! This is Chris. I'm glad you found this board. These are good people here and I've found it very healing. I understand how you feel, I've been through it myself. If you don't mind, I've copied something below a friend told me and that helped me find a place to start. It's a bit long, so if you can't read it all I understand. But it touched me and got me thinking. I hope it helps you:
Human beings, by nature, are empirical. They tend to try and put everything into a perspective that they can relate to on human terms by observation. Mix in a little dogma, and you have religion.
It is no easy feat to humanize God. More so, I would say it is impossible. God is unfathomable yet, God is everywhere around us. To be honest, I use the name God for lack of a better name.
I have long been a firm believer that the Bible is used more as a yoke, or ball and chain to ensnare others to a persons will. Don't get me wrong. It has useful words to live by, it promotes peace, wellbeing with oneself and God, charity, compassion, love...everything that should be a part of life. But it should never be used to browbeat someone to submission.
When I was in college, I felt that I needed a spiritual space in my life, as my parents were secular humanists and never really imparted that aspect of life to me (that and a brush with death didn't hurt either). I studied philosophy, theology (100's of belief systems), history, the Bible, the Koran, the Torah Scrolls, the writings of the Essenes, the Tao Te Ching, Shaolin philosophy, Hinduism, Buddhism, you name it. I read it.
There was one mainstay in all of these writings. One thing that smacked of similarity. That was find God, one needs only to turn inward. Listen, Feel, Hear. God is there. Always speaking to you, sometimes screaming to be heard.
There should never be fear, pain, feelings of loss and confusion when one is speaking of God. No other human being, or humanized philosophy can ever tell you the true nature of God, except God. Everyone is in the same boat, and not one person has the map to navigate to Him. Everyone is rowing furiously, but without the answers it seems they are travelling in circles.
Organized religion brings comfort to many because it offers them a path and structure, but in my opinion...and it is only my opinion...that it isn't the path you take, it's getting to the destination that counts. Honestly, do you think God cares if you're Baptist or Pagan? Christian or Jew? Does that sound at all like a problem an entity who has an entire universe to sustain is really concerned about?
If the Bible helps bring you closer to God for you, by all means. Use it. But use it in conjunction of turning inward. Quiet your mind, and listen.
Perhaps this sounds incredibly arrogant. But it's only God who can give you the answers that you're looking for, and perhaps in all this rowing, and splashing in our boat we are not hearing God through all the noise. Perhaps there will never be one true answer...only God knows, as the saying goes.
I truly do believe that we are all the sons and daughters of God. We are His creation. I believe that His love is unquestioning, irreversible, and without doubt...eternal.
I do hope that you can learn to listen to what your heart believes is true. The pain goes away when the smoke clears, and a glimmer of clarity is revealed.
Moreover, I hope that you soon realize that God is not unapproachable. He is not so distant that He can't be reached.
God bless you, love...and I hope this brings you some measure of peace. -
Apostates don't burn they just stay dead.
by Bleep inwhen the time comes for being judged in perfect conditions we will still have ridiculers picketing those who know god's word.
jesus planted a great seed for us all; why not take advantage of that now by learning instead of blaspheming?.
funny how people think we are being judged now.
Big Tex
"By this all will know you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." -- John 13:35
I can't imagine what it's like to work up so much animosity that I would want someone's death, let alone by fire. Nor do I want to.
What worries the Governing Body the most?
by roybatty inif you were a governing body member (or one of the power brokers at bethel) what would worry you the most?
i was thinking about this last night.
do you worry about the lawsuits connected with the pedophile cover-up?
Big Tex
They fear loss of control. The Society have always been control freaks. So they will do anything, say anything and kill (disfellowship) anyone to maintain that control. Nothing else matters.
Consider Yourself Lucky
by metatron inif you are df'd, da'd, or just drifted away, you may consider yourself.
lucky that you no longer have to endure the intensifying shame.
of telling people that you are one of jehovah's witnesses.
Big Tex
I haven't been at meetings for 14 years and for several years afterward I felt angry at God for not only allowing the JWs to hurt people, but also that he made no effort to stop them. I thought it wasn't fair that they got away with it. I felt like they needed to be punished. And right now.
Today I feel differently. I am truly thankful I got out. Some don't. And those that hurt me, and hurt others, are still in that organization and still high-ranking and have many privileges. But they and the others have to live there, with all that crazy logic, guilt, manipulation and the never ending demands. I don't. I'm free. They're not. I'd like to believe that one day God will deal with those people, but for now I am content to let that issue go. But consider, that maybe the greatest punishment is of trying to earn your salvation and of running on a treadmill that never stops always reaching out to a god that's just out of reach. How awul to to live in that world with no hope of getting out.